life with a coach, three kids, and a full time job....

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Snow, snow, and more snow

So you may have heard we had a little bit of snow here this week.



Four "snow days."
It was the storm of the century....for the second winter in a row...
Guess that's why they had to come up with a new name.

The snowfall itself was impressive, but it was the wind that really kept things interesting.
There were spots in the field out back that were practically bare, and then there was our back deck.

Well, technically it's our side deck, which is probably why it was so interesting.
The wind whipped through the back yard, around the corner, 
and deposited snow right outside the kitchen door.
When it stopped snowing, the sun tried to come out, but that wind just kept moving the snow around.

That's our deck two and a half hours after the previous picture, and after the snow had stopped falling.

 And a good five hours after it stopped snowing....after another couple of hours of wind...

 The angles and lines of it are fascinating to me.

 The next morning....still piled high....

Here's our "snow dune" behind the house.
The deck is just to the left of this picture...sort of where the top of that "dune" is pointing. 

And then we move to the front of the house....

...and start wishing we knew where our snow shovel had disappeared to...
...and wondering why we didn't think of it sometime before every last shovel in town had been sold...
...and thinking that those young guys shoveling the neighbor's drive might be worth hiring...
...and thinking that a nap sounds really appealing, and no one ought to go driving in this anyway!

Aren't snow days nice?
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