life with a coach, three kids, and a full time job....

Monday, October 4, 2010

These are a few of my favorite things (Part I)

I started to call this something along the lines of “Things That Have Changed My Life.” It’s sort of true – although maybe a slight complete overstatement for some of them. The real reason I didn’t go with it, though, was because it sounded so significant that I figured people would be looking for deep, even theological, ideas. Since that wasn’t – at all – where I was headed, I decided to go with something a little less, well, significant.

So, favorite thing #1: (Not because it’s the most favorite, just because it’s the first one I want to write about)

My Kindle!

I’m not trying to sell you on it. And I can’t compare the Kindle to any of the other options out there. I didn’t even know I wanted one before my wonderful husband bought me one for our anniversary last year. Actually, my specific thought at the time was that I didn’t want one.

I like the feel of a book in my hand. Still do. I find myself checking out book racks in stores with longing occasionally, before I remember that I don’t need to spend that money.

I was also convinced that if I had one, I would end up spending way, WAY too much money on books. I had no idea how many free books were out there for the Kindle. Besides the million “classics” you can get for free, there are many more contemporary books you can pick up free, too. I know most of them are there so you get hooked on a series or an author and want to buy some of the others…umm, I’ll confess it’s worked on me a couple of times! Some of them aren’t worth reading, in my opinion, but the beauty of it is that there are so many available that if I don’t like one, I can just dump it and move on to the next. And every few weeks there’s another group of free books available! (I’ve learned to grab what’s out there when it’s there, because in a few days, it may no longer be free.)

Right now on my Kindle, I have probably 50 books ready to read. And if you know me at all, you know what a great thing that is for me! At the beginning, I was completely fascinated by the ability to “buy” a book wherever I was – bought one in the bathroom one time…for some reason I found that really hilarious! Now I tend to do most of my “buying” from my computer, because it’s easier and faster to check out what’s out there and what it is about. Plus I have so many I haven’t gotten around to reading yet, it’s not as big a deal to be able to download a new one at any time. Oh, well, unless I got hooked by one I got for free and feel the need to buy the next in the series!

I also love that it’s small enough to go with me wherever I go, and there is an “unlimited” supply of back-up books in case I finish the one I’m in the middle of.

A friend asked me one time how many books I went through in a week, and if I could go without reading for any length of time. The answer was as many as I had time for, and no, I can’t stand to be without a book. These days I probably get through fewer books in a week (three kids tend to keep me a little busier than I used to be!), but I still can’t stand to be without a book. And I’m so glad my husband decided to surprise me with the Kindle! Thanks, honey!

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