life with a coach, three kids, and a full time job....

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I'm In A Hurry

I’m not Super-Mom. I don’t even try to be. In fact, my version of “super-mom” is to feel spectacularly proud of myself when I manage to cook supper and get the kitchen clean again before bed. I do have a full-time job besides mothering.

And I will take a time-out right now to say that you could write a whole series of blog posts about whether moms should work outside the home or not. I do. It works for us. It works wonderfully for us…because my mother-in-law is our child-care. I’m not sure what we’d do otherwise, quite honestly. I try not to think about it very often! I often wish for the opportunity to be home with my kids, but I’ve decided to be grateful for the chance I have to work at a job I enjoy and still have summers and vacations home with my kids. Anyway, that wasn’t where I was headed.

I am fortunate enough to have a teaching job that doesn’t involve a ton of grading papers or work at home. I do have frequent concerts and extra events, but outside of that, when I’m home with my kids, I’m not thinking about work.

No, I’m thinking about cleaning, or working out, or facebook, or blogging. Or taking a nap. (Thinking about the nap, not doing.)

Are there people out there that juggle things well? Are there even stay-at-home moms who manage to juggle things well? (Because, honestly? I think even if I were home with my kids during the day, I’d still never feel like I could get everything done. I’d probably just end up setting the bar higher!)

I know I’m not completely alone…I read tons of articles and blogs about moms in the same spot I am. But still. How fun would it be to actually get it all done? To have a clean, clutter-free house (and hey, I’d settle for clutter-free and not-so-clean if I could get just that far!), to work out each day and know we were eating well, to have a new blog post each day, AND quality time with my family! Oh, and to be in bed by 9. Because if my brain’s going to quit on me at that time each night, I might as well just get in bed then, too.

I’ve got some ideas…some plans…a few routines…and a little bit of discipline. So far, that means that I might manage to get cleaning and blogging done, or working out and supper, but not all of the above. Just depends on where the motivation is on that particular day. Today it was cleaning and cooking. And now the blogging.

Hmmmm….I don’t think I’ll share just how long it’s been since I was motivated in the direction of our elliptical. I’ll just leave you to guess while I go snuggle my kids for a few minutes before I happily send them off to bed. Goodnight!

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