life with a coach, three kids, and a full time job....

Friday, September 24, 2010

Much too Young (To Feel This .... Old)

I had quite a disturbing thing happen to me today.

I should have been prepared for it…it’s been headed my way for a while. I’m not sure how it caught me so much by surprise.

A little background first:

I have several students working on music to audition for a local honor choir. Since the auditions are getting close, I decided to hold a “mock audition.” I took small sections of each of the songs they have been working on and had them sing just that part for me. Now I know there’s a way to take the practice CD’s they already have and just burn a CD from my computer with the short clips I wanted to use. But my school computer won’t burn CD’s, and well, it just seemed simpler to stick the CD in a stereo, stick in a tape, and record the parts I wanted to use. Right? Of course, right! (Name that musical!)

I got a few comments from the kids when they sang to the tape. “A tape? You used a tape?” Ummm, yeah, I did…is this really that amazing?

But the real shocker was today, when I handed one of my 8th graders “The Tape” to put in the boombox (there’s another extinct word for ya!) that she was using to practice. She looked at the tape. She looked at me. And then she said,

“I don’t know how to use that.”

If you need me, I’ll be sitting in my rocking chair. With my lap blanket. And my knitting. Probably napping. Be sure my hearing aids are turned up before you start talking to me.


  1. Last Sunday, in the book we are using in our college age and just beyond class was the word "jalopy". NONE of them knew how to say it much less what it meant! The rocking chair is really quite comfortable once you adjust;)

  2. Hahaha! I told you about the time C2 was showing me his classroom and he didn't know what the tape part of the boom box was for, but I guess I wouldn't have expected it of a middle schooler! :)

  3. At the end of the year last year I played a Disney tape for my kids. They giggled when I had to "rewind" to get back to the beginning of the tape. Then, they didn't even know the Disney classics!
