life with a coach, three kids, and a full time job....

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

First Game of the Season!

Today is the first basketball game of the season.  It’s a big day for my husband, and most years I’ve tried to have something special for him on this day.  I usually go with food…cookies or something if it’s a home game, snacks if it’s away.  I know he rarely eats on a game day before the game, so I figure it’s good to have something ready for when the game (and the stress) is over.

This year, though, I dropped the ball.  I got nothing.  I even went grocery shopping yesterday and not once did it cross my mind to pick up a few extra snacks for him for this evening.  I can’t even come up with a decent excuse.  I had all of Thanksgiving Break to think about it.

If it were a home game, I’d grab some stuff this afternoon and get it to him this evening…he wouldn’t even want it until after the game anyway, so I’d be okay.  But of course – it’s an away game, so that won’t work.  I can’t even get a card up to him before he leaves for the game!  What a terrible wife.

So forget the food and card!  I hope he eats sometime today, because he’s on his own.

So how about this…

To the love of my life:

I am so blessed to be in this life with you.  I am constantly in awe of the way that God brought us together, and the way He continues to bless us.  I love that you have a job that you love.  I love that you are good at the job you love!  And I’m glad that even in the chaos of the season I still know that we are most important to you.  

I pray that this will be the best season you’ve had yet.  I pray that your players will work and think as a team.  I pray that all the parents will be behind you and none against you.  I pray that you have fun in what you do.

If I were a superstitious person, I would be concerned that the insanity of this particular day might be a bad sign for the season, but I choose to believe that is not the case.  May the game tonight go well.  May your players stay healthy and uninjured.  And may you get home before midnight!  (Okay, that last one might just be wishful thinking, but thought I’d throw it in there!)

Thank you for choosing me to share this life with you.  

Thank you for loving me and our kids, even when it’s difficult.

Thank you for being just who you are.  You truly are the love of my life.


Your Courtside Wife

1 comment:

  1. I think these thoughtful words will mean much more than a snack. We were just talking at dinner about how today was the first game of the season. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers as the season gets off to a start!
